"As the son of a groomer, Curtis Hanvey saw first hand, the struggles a groomer faces on a daily basis."
Originally started in 1995 under the name Hanvey Specialty Engineering, company founder Curtis Hanvey Jr. had a passion to provide the pet grooming industry with innovative and useful products that would make every groomer's job easier. As the son of a groomer, Curtis saw, first hand, the daily struggle groomers face on a daily basis.
His passion to make his mother's job easier moved him to create unique, useful time saving products. The first major break trough came about with the creation of his first generation LIPSystem. He could sit on top of it and it would not bend. The LIPSystem allows a groomer to overcome the many shortcomings of the old-style, "raise it up and then down" grooming arm by allowing the groomer to adjust the height of the neck loop on linked intervals rather than manually raising and lowering the entire arm. Thus, the name Linked Interval Positioning System was born. The name was quickly shortened to LIPSystem. From there, various other products followed and soon the Hanvey name was well known in the grooming industry for providing high quality, innovative products.